Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance

In 1985, Michael Porter published Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. In this book, he described how organizations can achieve competitive advantage in their industries. Porter's focus in this book was not on an overall competitive strategy, but on what organizations needed to do on a daily basis to achieve results. As Porter (3) stated, â€Å"My aim is to build a bridge between strategy and implementation. † To create the link between the overall strategy of a firm and how that strategy could be achieved, Porter referred to value. As Porter (3) stated, â€Å"competitive advantage grows fundamentally out of value a firm is able to create for its buyers that exceeds the firm's cost of creating it. † This focus on value led to the concept of the value chain, which refers to the internal processes that occur as the organization creates its product or service. Value chain management is not just a process that occurs within an organization. Instead, it is closely linked to the competitive environment. This means that value chain management takes into account the industry in which the organization operates. This is referred to as the industry value chain and describes how the industry overall adds value to the consumer. This is an important point because it means that value chain management does not just refer to the series of processes that occur within the organization. As an example, consider the case of Apple's Ipod. If creating value was only considered in the context of what happens within the organization, the focus might be purely on the manufacturing process. Apple might consider their value chain as a process where raw materials are converted to the product and where the product is distributed to the consumer. In terms of improving the value of their product, they might consider that saving on raw materials, decreasing production time, and improving distribution will help add value. The problem with this approach is that it does not identify the real value that consumers gain from the product. This real value is identified when the MP3 player industry is considered on a broader level. This broader view shows that value is added more by marketing than by manufacturing. Apple's value chain includes the major activities that instill value in the product. Marketing with the aim of gaining consumer support is one of the key ways to add value. It is this aspect that Apple competes against with the other organizations in the market. This illustrates that value chain management is a process of recognizing what activities add value to the organization and then focusing on these activities to gain competitive advantage. The aim is not to improve everything about the organization, but to improve the processes that will allow the organization to gain an advantage on the competition. Porter (39) also identified various generic factors that are part of an organization's value chain. These generic factors are: inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and service. Porter considered that these five areas add value to a firm. Porter (40) also identified several support factors. These support factors are: infrastructure of the organization, human resource management, technology, and procurement. Porter identified these generic factors as a general guideline for organizations, while noting that the industry's competitive factors determine what factors will comprise the value chain for a specific firm. For example, in the case of Apple's Ipod, sales and marketing would be a key factor and technology would also be a part of the value chain. In the case of an organization manufacturing and selling nails, sales and marketing is not likely to be a large part of the value chain. Instead, operations may be more important, with the aim being to manufacture the nails as cost effectively as possible so as to maximize profits. For any organization, value chain management is used to identify the key factors that add value in the industry and then to determine how to improve those key factors so as to become more competitive. Southwest Airlines is one organization that has successfully used value chain management to improve its performance. Southwest Airlines is recognized as a success in the airline industry not just because it is a successful company, but also because it made positive changes to the industry. It is generally considered as a pioneer. This success is linked, at least partially, to its use of value chain management. Pellet (53) describes Southwest Airlines as a company that found creative ways to make improvements, with these improvements especially related to reducing the downtime of aircraft, improving scheduling, and making maintenance more efficient. At the same time, Southwest Airlines needed to improve cost-effectiveness so it could offer a lower price to its customers, but still maximize profits. Southwest Airlines based its success on identifying the industry value chain. This included noting the key industry factors that determine success. With the key industry factors identified, Southwest Airlines was able to find creative ways of improving on these factors. One of the important points is that Southwest Airlines' strategy did not just involve copying what other airlines were doing. This was achieved because they were not comparing themselves to what others were doing. Instead, they were only focused on how they could improve. This allowed them to identify unique ways of doing things and this is how they managed to gain competitive advantage. Southwest Airlines' successes were enough to get them listed in Fortune magazine's â€Å"Top 100 Companies† list. In the magazine, it is noted that Southwest Airline won the Triple Crown award for Best Airline five times; a fact that shows their success is more than just financial (Moskowitz and Levering 148). Southwest Airline became the best in the industry. Their success shows how effective value chain management leads to competitive advantage. Finally, it is useful to consider how value chain management has changed since it was first introduced by Porter in 1985. One of the major changes is that computer software has become an important tool in the process. Computer software has been developed to identify problems and opportunities for improvement in the value chain. This is largely focused on the manufacturing process, but can also be applied to any process where efficiency is desired. Another significant trend is that the value chain is extended further, both upline and downline. For example, many organizations are considering the internal processes of their suppliers. The idea is that if the supplier improves their value chain, the organization that receives the output of the supplier also benefits. In addition, if the supplier can improve efficiency and reduce costs, the benefits can be passed on to the organization by lowering the price of raw materials. The same applies to considering upline organizations, such as distributors and retailers. This is creating an environment where organizations are demanding more from companies that provide them with any type of service. In turn, many companies are becoming less like suppliers and more like partners. This allows the organization to assist supplier companies, while also ensuring that they benefit from the improvements that suppliers make. This creates an environment where organizations are linked together by either formal or informal partnerships. In some cases, both organizations work together to determine how they can best assist each other. In other cases, organizations have contractual demands on their suppliers. In other cases, a formal partnership is in place. In all of these cases, the same trend is seen, with organizations recognizing that other companies are part of their value chain.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Significance of Dance in Dancing at Lughnasa

The Significance Of The Use Dance: Focusing On Pages 20 – 23 Brian Freil uses a variety of dance techniques to convey the significance of dance as a projection of universal and primal desires to which everyone is submissive. Each outburst or description of dance involving the characters gives the audience an insight to not only their true personality but also the strain of their current situations. The significance of dance and its effect on the audience is echoed throughout the play through many different circumstances, the positioning of each routine is also very important as it connects with true meaning of the dance, therefore intensifying atmosphere on which it brings. Pages 20 to 23 highlight this greatly as we see all of the sisters dance in unity. Page 20 sees Maggie’s monologue, here the audience become aware of how dance can be beautiful however misunderstood; â€Å"they were just so beautiful together†¦ they should have won† Explained as Maggie is describing the pure splendor of Brian and Bernie’s military two-step at a dance competition from when they were young. Although this directly does not link directly in the significance throughout the play it strengthens the aspect of a spirited connection between two people through the means of dance. This point is also enhanced with the connection between Chris and Gerry as the audience only become apparent of the sentimental emotions these characters share when she submissively begins to ballroom dance with him, at which point and further in the play all characters especially Chris soften to Gerry giving implication of the true and raw feeling they have for each other represented through their dances. This spiritual characteristic which dance beholds amongst the characters also has connotation of a form of communication that predates conversation and emotion, seeping through all cultures. This is a strong feature to Dancing At Lughnasa as the storyline is based around Freil’s use of juxtaposition of native tribal dancing and localized northern Irish dancing with the use of Father Jack. The use of Father jack; â€Å"losing his mind† on returning from Africa and resorting to African rituals and beliefs bridges strong Irish traditions to the frowned upon peaganism of the Irish mid 1930s. Depending on interpretation you could argue that Freil suggests this bridging of cultures throughout the play to enhance the technique of juxtaposition. An example being in the ironic connection between Jack’s description of an African ceremony shortly followed by the unofficial wedding of Chris and Gerry described also, as a ceremony of an elegant and precise ballroom dance. Also on page 21; â€Å"patterns her face with an instant mask† The stage direction describing Maggie’s fanatical dance and how she stripes her cheeks with flour. This gives suggestion of connotation, which could be implying the link between typical tribal face paint used for rituals and dances in native Africa and Maggie’s flour â€Å"mask†. In addition this too gives implication of Maggie being ‘out of character’ and acting peaganistic, again, strengthening the thought of dance being a universal and primal desire bridging cultures due to subconscious human nature. The radical and fanatical dancing of the sisters on page 21 is also important in understanding how Freil communicates the characters personalities and thoughts to the audience in the stage directions of each dance. Freil uses the ‘Marconi‘ as a dramatic device to plunge the scene into dance with the slow introduction of sound; â€Å" until the sound has established itself† this could show how the beat and rhythm of the music is actually the subconscious of the characters. However, another interpretation could be that the slow introduction is the metaphorical gradual dispatch from reality into a fantasy of dance coated by repressed desire and latent passion. This would explain how Maggie’s â€Å"features become animated by a look of defiance† as it is a result of the realization of her repression which has grew from since she was young that manifests itself with defiance. It would too explain how as each character becomes submissive to the rhythm, the beat becomes more frantic and uncomfortably loud because each of the sisters is now projecting suppressed emotions with a feeling of force and urgency. This shows how the stage directions also give implication to the character’s psychological state. Other characters such as Rose, who follows Maggie’s chants and calls and is the second to â€Å"leap† into dance, this could be an indication of Rose’s suggestive character and how she yielding to those offering attention such as Danny Bradley, her supposed lover. Rose is then followed by Agnes who is described to dance the most â€Å"gracefully and sensuously† out of the sisters which could represent her soft, and delicate personality highlighted through her caring actions towards Rose, and the household keeping earlier in the play. However the most significant character’s performance in this dance is Kate, the audience have been subjected to her objection to the festival at Lughnasa and peaganistic dance traditions yet as the final sister to join we see Kate preform a complex dance; â€Å"alone, totally concentrated, totally private† and although the other sisters are chanting and screaming together, Kate is in silence. This outburst is one of the most fundamental moments in the play as a whole, as the audience are taken back by Kate’s obscure and out of character reaction to the rhythm. Being the last to plunge into dance and the first to stop shows how Kate is conceited and is against the force which dance holds, however her ominous actions are clearly full of true of emotion which represents her true personality one of passion and complete feeling. The intensity and isolated feel of her performance is a representation of the distance between her and her sisters caused by the strain of keeping the family together, which is ironically, obviously falling apart. At the end of the stage directions on page 22, the audience are aware of the significance of Freil’s use of dance. The brutality and grotesque atmosphere of the dance is the projection of the unstable state the family is in, as each sister is under independent and personal strains. Which appeals to the audiences’ emotional and psycho-analytic understanding therefore creating two layers within Friel’s production. By using this form of communication frequently throughout the play the audience can therefore connect with the characters and relate to their created personalities to prehaps, feelings of their own. Dance, in the production of Dancing at Lughnasa is consequently not only a connective device between the audience and the characters as it is a projection of primal desires, but also a representation of repressed feeling and emotion of which the characters cannot express verbally.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bless Me Essay Example For Students

Bless Me Essay Bless me, Ultima Essay What is faith? Does everyone have faith? Is faith believing in something you havent seen but you think is true? All of these questions have an answer and in Bless me, Ultima by Rodolfo Anaya these questions are important. In fact, many people question their faith because they are confused about what they see or hear. In Bless me, Ultima, Rudolfo Anaya shows that on this world there are many types of faith one believes in. The author uses imagery, folklore, and dream sequences to convey the meaning of Bless me, Ultima. Anaya uses imagery to show how Christianity and witchcraft are two different beliefs, and they are in conflict with each other. The imagery provides a picture of Tonys conflict of Ultima dying. For example, When Tony was next to Ultima he knew she was going to die. As Ultima was dying, Her voice very weak, her eyes already glazed with death. 260 Anaya makes that imagery for us to see what Tony was seeing. Second, Anaya uses dream sequences to show that Tony has conflicts with himself about his beliefs. He questions his belief in this dream because he is afraid of what he might find out. In his dream Tony says, Everything I believe in was destroyed. A painful wrenching in my heart made me cry aloud, why God? my God, why have you forsaken me! 243 Tony cannot accept what is happening. Why do all good people have to die? In fact, Anaya uses folklore in this story to show that every language there is folklore about religions that believes in. Therefore, in this part it says The Agua Negra was the land of the Commanche Indians. Three Commanche raided the flock of one. So grandfather Tellez hanged them and left them strung on a tree. Now their souls wandered around the ranch. 227 This is one folklore from the story. Many are passed down from generation to generation. In conclusion, Anaya showed how Tony had many conflicts with himself about religion and beliefs. Any beliefs that one has are going to be different from someone elses. In Bless me, Ultima Rodolfo Anaya shows that this earth are many types of faiths. Yet, one has a freedom to choose ones path in life. Whether is to believe in a god or not.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A written reflective report (1500 words) on your strengths and Essay

A written reflective report (1500 words) on your strengths and weakness in relation to your chosen career - Essay Example Therefore,choosing to study Arabic and English expands the job opportunities for a public practitioner to secure a job of public relation in Arabic and European nations. Moreover, studying of a foundation course that support public relation course helps one to develop competence or experience in publicity. For example, studying a foundation course such as psychology helps to understand how to relate to people under a certain limit that cannot provoke their ego. On the other hand, language barrier is one of the major challenges that affect public relation.My career as a public relation practitioner has been successful because speaking languages like Arabic and English,two of the most spoken languages internationally has helped to be competitive in job opportunities as a public relation practitioner. It has assisted in developing skills such as fluent speaking using foreign languages such as Arabic and English something not common to many practitioners worldwide. Modern public relation has entered the â€Å"fourth wave† of technological change in the field creating an impact of information highway technologies. Therefore, the demand for ICT literate public relation practitioner in professional of public relation has increased. ICT use has been beneficial to media practitioners such as journalists in gathering and recording of information. Moreover, internet has currently improved public relation through websites such as Facebook that allows the subscribers to socialize from different part of the world at a very low cost. Therefore, being ICT literate has helped practitioners to be successful in their work since it has increased their efficiency to outreach a large number of people locally and internationally. Moreover, a practitioner becomes skillful on the use of language used by different group of people at different occasions such as social language used by youths in social media such as

Wo'men and society Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Wo'men and society - Assignment Example In Sneak Attack, it is evident that the militarization in the United States is highly attractive. Regardless of this nature, the entire process is not as beneficial since its main goals and objectives are based on enhancing its ability to be controlling. As cited by Kirk & Okazawa-Rey a process cannot be viewed as beneficial if the results it displays are controlling (481-482). The same process of militarization determines the direction of the rights of women. Considering the controlling nature of the process, the rights of women as exposed to greater risks. As cited in Gender and Human Security, there are occasional and significant changes on global security. For this reason, the need to improve the response to violation of human rights should be ensured. Specifically, the response mechanism should mostly focused on women who suffer the most from war and conflict (Kirk & Okazawa-Rey 500-501). The increasing cases of gender based violence require development of more effective mechanism that would minimize the severity of the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Solid Waste Management Program Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Solid Waste Management Program - Term Paper Example It is commonly believed that solid waste management is a state function. Although the government has the obligation to lead solid waste programs in the country, combined efforts of people, communities, and organizations are necessary to address this issue successfully. Authors like Nemerow et al opine that solid waste management is a complex process that comprises of many technologies and disciplines (177). Solid waste management is not such a big deal in villages because most of the waste materials except plastic wastes can be managed through composting and recycling. However, it is a great challenge for local governments in developing countries as they lack adequate transportation facilities and other equipments. Recently, a concept called integrated solid waste management has been developed for managing municipal solid waste through a number of interrelated activities. Solid Waste Management Programs in the Region of Peel Comprehensive solid waste management programs are being imp lemented in the Region of Peel, City of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. The region’s solid waste management is based on a ‘5Rs Waste Hierarchy’ where the 5Rs are ‘rethink, reduce, reuse, recycle, and recover’ (Region of Peel). First, people must rethink about their waste management practices and try to adopt environmentally-friendly purchase habits. For instance, people may buy rechargeable batteries instead of single use batteries and buy fewer other single use products. Secondly, individuals must try to reduce the waste they generate. For this, it is better to use reusable lunch boxes, travel mugs, and products with less packaging if possible. Third, people have to reuse their products in different ways or to share them with others. To illustrate,... From the above discussion, it is clear that the Region of Peel has developed some well structured practices to address its solid waste management needs. Curbside waste collection, special event waste recycling, waste reuse services are the major activities of the region’s Waste Management Division. Although the region’s solid waste management seems effective, it runs at huge net expenditure and the situation may threaten the operational efficiency of the region in the long run. The situation points to the need of rapid move both in terms of strategies and financial planning. It is recommendable for the Peel Region to adopt advanced waste to energy technologies, for this approach would reduce the costs associated with its operation to a great extent. This paper makes a conclusion that this proposed policy is energy neutral and hence it can promote environmental sustainability in the long run. Waste to energy method would assist the region to increase its revenues and to meet the growing electricity demand in the region. In order to convince the people regarding the necessity of this project, the region’s Waste Management Division must organize public awareness campaigns. Finally, the Peel Region must be vigilant in choosing proper waste to energy technique, because some of those methods like direct combustion can have adverse impacts on the environment. The effective implementation of this project would assist the Waste Management Division to improve its net expenditure level significantly.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Obama's Healthcare plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Obama's Healthcare plan - Essay Example s a puppet that is triggered to confuse low income earners so that they would vote convincingly with perceptions of better fruits thereafter (Rousseau 615). In myriad situations, the people at the helm often take advantage of voters to introduce perceived laws, which are impractical in the real sense, just to affirm their comeback to power. After which they propose changes that would transfer the responsibility to the common man since they shall have achieved their goals of ascending to power (Rousseau 622). According to the convincing information obtained from part of the book ‘Discourse of inequality part 1’, it is adept to agree with Rousseau that inequalities are inevitable within the society; for instance, not everyone would be able to put on shoe number 10. Clothing styles and shapes differ depending on personal posture depicted by each person intending to put clothes (Rousseau 617). Likewise to the economic, social and political concerns; different individuals are perceived to be opposed to other people’s thoughts, which create imbalanced perception. A practical example is Rousseau’s example that dwelt on the relationship between a husband and wife in a home set up (Rousseau 631). Men tend to have no businesses with their wives once their perceived passion is ascertained; women have the obligation to nurture the baby for nine months ‘pregnancy period’. After the delivery, a baby grows to a stage of self dependency regardless of the goodies obtained from parents affirming that different people depict peculiar traits, which in itself is a sign of inequality (Rousseau 632). Politicians of the same perception often converge to put pressure so that their bills would be passed into laws. The political patronage and affiliation is one such example that portrays the inequality among different personalities within same areas of work group and social demeanor. Hence I explicitly support Rousseau’s that inequalities are not only inevitable but also

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Testicular tumors- Large cell calcifying sertoli cell tumors Essay

Testicular tumors- Large cell calcifying sertoli cell tumors - Essay Example The sertoli cell tumor is normally malignant and does not spread to the other parts of the body. It is not only seen in human beings but also in species like horses, dogs and ducks. They do not show any symptoms of illness other than a painless lump of mass in the testicals.Under the microscope, sertoli cell tumor display a closely situated solid and hollow tubules lined by epithelial cells. This tumor can be diagnosed with histological and pathological tests. The usually conducted treatment is surgery .For malignant tumors the treatment conducted are chemotherapy and at times radiation therapy. Many a times to detect the tumor in earlier stage repeated physical examination and imaging is required. The prognosis of the tumor which is benign is good as the growth of it is very slow. The History of Sertoli Cell Tumor The discovery of sertoli cell can be accredited to Enrico Sertoli who was just 18 yrs old when he began his studies in research at the university of Pava, in Northern Ital y in 1860.He studied general medical subjects at first and after 2 yrs began his research studies in the laboratory of the distinguished physiologist and histologist, professor Eusobio Oehl. Sertoli was born on June 6, 1842 to a noble family in the small town of Sondrio, located North of Milano along the Italian - Swiss border. His noble birth in all probability meant that he was expected to attend university and study medicine. The cellule ramificate or branched cell was discovered using the personal microscope of Enrico Sertoli. He had purchased the microscope in 1862, after he began his studies under professor Oehl. The quality of the microscope and the personal importance are evident by the care that Sertoli devoted to it, which has permitted its survival for more than 100 years. In anticipation of the microscope’s arrival,Sertoli likely collected several pieces of human testes preserved in a sublimate solution that he later reported as the incubation solution of choice a t that time.Sertoli used several types of preparation of testes, including mocrodissection of individual seminiferous tubules, thin sections of the testis after sublimate incubation, pieces of fresh tissue and frayed sections of tubules.Sertoli has spend numerous hours with the microscope in the laboratory but was skeptical that the testes might have remained in the sublimate solution for longer time which could affect the result. Sertoli performed tests with different methods and improved his observation and laid out different drawings of his findings. In his drawings sertoli included round germ cells, seminiferous cells embedded within the branched cell limbs.Sertoli drew intricate details of what he observed and report lipid droplets in this cell. He mentioned several times that the lipid could exert very important functions in the cell, a function that we still know little about today. He also drew the cell as appearing syncytial or as branched multinucleated cell , which surely raised many questions from students .In the year 1886, Sertoli published his last manuscript which was a breakthrough which suggested the primary role of spermatozoa to reach and fertilize the egg. In 1878 , Sertoli published a statement that the branched cells, which he now called cellule fisse or fixed cells no longer, divided in the adult

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Puzzled CEO, The Number Crunching CFO, The Curious HR Director, Essay

The Puzzled CEO, The Number Crunching CFO, The Curious HR Director, The Frustrated R & D Director - Essay Example In some instances, as in Level II or III attacks, they have the potential to be catastrophic. Bearing this in mind, I will now restate what I discussed in the executive meeting regarding the three generation of IA technologies but shall better clarify their relevancy to our company. The first generation of IA technologies is exclusively focused upon the prevention of intrusion. As may be deduced from Liu, Yu and Jing's (2005) definition and analysis of the first generation of IA Technologies, it is imperative that any corporate entity, not just ours, have such a system in place. It involves the implementation of multiple levels of data securitization, seeking to protect information from both unauthorized physical and network access and attack. It is, thus, that our data is encrypted, for example. Encryption functions to maximize the security of data by rendering the deciphering of data retrieved through unauthorized access, difficult. The second generation of IA technologies is founded upon an acknowledgement of the fact that the first generation of IA technologies cannot preve... The IT department was effectively able to identify the intrusion attempts and to offset them precisely because the company has second generation IA technologies in place, whether firewalls or intrusion detectors. As you may recall from our meeting, I did not spend too much time discussing the first and second generations outlined in the above but focused on the importance, indeed, imperatives, of implementing third generation IA technologies. Even while conceding to the fact that the implementation of such a system of technologies is expensive, I would argue that not doing so can prove even more costly. To clarify this, I will define and discuss third generation IA technologies in specific relation to our company. The third generation of IA technologies withstands categorization into two groups, as Liu, Yu and Jing (2005) explain. These are intrusion making and defense in depth. Within the context of the first, the primary aim is to maximize the survivability of a system, even when it has been subjected to attack. It necessitates the redesigning of our current system around the following principles: "(a) redundancy and replication, (b) diversity, (c) randomization, (d) fragmentation and threshold cryptography and (e) increased layers of indirection" (Liu, Yu, and Jing, 2005, p. 112). This system will maximize, not only the company's ability to prevent and detect intrusions but, of greater importance, it will protect our data, hence the company, if violated. The second category of third generation IA technologies I mentioned at the meeting is defense in depth. It would involve our implementing technologies as "(a) boundary controllers, such as firewalls and access control, (b) intrusion detection and (c)

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT (MARKETING) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 12000 words

CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT (MARKETING) - Essay Example Following by that, different theories regarding communication and how celebrities play an important role in framing communication strategies has been clarified. Then four types of celebrity endorsement modes have been explicated in order to understand how different celebrities are associated with different products or services. After that this chapter moves out to understand the major part of literature review i.e. four-variable models which are 1] Source credibility model, 2] Source attractiveness model, 3] Product match up model and 4] Meaning transfer model. Finally, this chapter ends with benefits of using celebrities and the risks attached with celebrity endorsement. Furthermore, research objectives have been drafted at the end of the section. Celebrity endorsement is one of the most popular strategies for marketing communication and advertisers. Customers see advertisements containing celebrities everyday whether they are at home or outside with their friends and family. Varieties of celebrities’ options are available to advertisers today through which companies can decide on celebrities on the basis of their product, target audience, popularity of celebrity and others. For instance, sports product companies like Nike and Adidas approach present celebrities of the popular sports of their target market audience. The choices are not just limited to sports stars of particular sport like baseball, basketball or cricket, but national or international player choices are also available to them. These celebrities are usually paid high sign up amounts and their contract with the endorsing brand has a specific validity period. Celebrities usually earn from their profession, but they can also earn the sign up amount for any endorsement which is usually higher than their average earning for the same time period. According to (2007), in the list of Celebrity 100 the first five celebrities Oprah Winfrey, Tiger Woods, Madonna, Rolling Stones and Brad Pitt

Race Based Jury Nullification Essay Example for Free

Race Based Jury Nullification Essay Jury nullification can generally be termed as the act by a jury who even though is convinced that a defendant is guilty of the charges he or she is accused of, decides to give out or acquit him or her of the charges for the jury’s own reasons (Brandy R. 2006). Jury nullification or for that matter can be defined as a process whereby the jury(s) nullifies â€Å"unfair laws by declaring guilty defendants not guilty†. On the other hand race based jury nullification involves the process of a jury acquitting an individual based on his or her race. This kind of cases is usually found in homogenous cases where the diversity of the jury is nil or very little. Earlier cases that include runaway slave laws as well as the present day cases like police shootings indicate that race based nullification is still a modern day courtroom issue. The nullification process usually takes place in the event that a criminal trial decides not to convict a defendant in spite of full proof of guilt due to the belief and view by jurors that the law is unfair or at certain times that there is an unjustly application of the said law. The basis of the nullification can be said, thus, to be â€Å"the unjustness of the law†, the application of the same law on the basis of race of a party. Additionally there are instances where cases that involve the terminally ill persons in the society are often given leniency by the jurors, when they do drugs due to their condition. The issue often is not just about nullification per se but at times is based and as such has brought a lot o debate on its essence in view of the law as well as ethics. In this paper, I will discuss the issue of race based jury nullification, its limitations as well as its merits. Finally I will evaluate the relevance of race based jury nullification in our present day society. Race based jury nullification Race based jury nullification involves the process of a jury knowingly acquitting a defendant based on his or her race and with the full knowledge that the defendant is guilty. There are empirical studies, which have shown that about 3 to 4 percent of jury criminal trails have been connected to jury nullification. The dilemma that the situation presents is overwhelming, considering that there exists no chance to stop the process of jury nullification as jurors and are never ordered or forced to convict defendants and also there is also no clause in law that makes it punishable for the juror to acquit someone. The overlying principle function of the jury is that it should complete the law, if necessary through the recognition of fundamentals of justification that traverses beyond the written laws of the land and not to â€Å"nullify† the instructions given by the judge. The focal point of reference when the jurors give the â€Å"not guilty† verdict and in the process is the issue of unjust nature of the law. Pros and cons Depending on which side of the debate you are on, this issue has both the ugly and the good side. There are various reasons why race based jury nullification has encountered criticisms even by its ardent supporters. One, the case can be used for majority cases, that is in instances where the jury consists largely of persons from the same race can effectively acquit one of their â€Å"own† (defendant from the same race). For instance, a largely constituted black jury would free a black American even tough she or he has committed a severe crime. Thus in view of the law, when a dangerous individual is acquitted on the basis of his or her race sets a bad precedence (Jemal, 1997). There are instances when white jurors have acquitted fellow whites through the process of jury nullification while in the face of it the said defendants actually engaged in an illegality that either harmed black or brown people in America. There are also instances when black jurors have freed fellow blacks on the basis of their races while they committed either a racial act or a severe crime. This has not helped the just course of the due process, blacks, whites as well as other races have engaged in the race based jury nullification, something that does not portend well for rules of the law. The nature with which the voting is normally done by the jurors is usually that of conscience, to an extent this is a total disrespect if not abuse of the laws of this land. When someone who is supposedly guilty is acquitted, this is tantamount to nullification of the very law. They are supposed to protect and on whose basis the jury even came into existence. Jury nullification has the potential to turn an otherwise coherent and cohesive society or state into some hostile, incoherent or even lead to civil strife. This is because when serious acts are committed, and rulings are based on races, the respective races may gang up against each other. It seems to be a defeat process in the face of the law that should be the guardian and protector of all. The most often conclusion drawn is usually that nullification is an integral part of power, which is essential for the checks and balances of the judicial system. Jury nullification has and will continue to play a dual role in the history of our country. There are certain instances in our history that jury nullification has proved to be a useful tool. For instance, in those cases that involved slavery or differential prosecution at certain instances let racist to go unabated. There is the possibility that over use of this power together with other real or imagined risks that it possess would be enormous if everyone were to understand and be aware of it. However, the absence of it would put and vest too much power with the executive and surely everyone else understands the consequences of excessive unbalanced power exercised by the government versus the power of the common citizens. Conclusion Overall, the race based jury nullification has been, still is and would always be a very highly debatable topic, whether one supports it or he or she is against it. In each and every argument put forward by anyone in the society for or against jury nullification process, there are strong, valid opinions and facts in support of the various respective reasons that cannot just be wished away. Having evaluated the situation, and with a critical analysis of the basis of the law of our great country, I came to a conclusion that with due respect the good job the jurors have done so far, the race based jury nullification should not be conducted or at least cordoned by the jurors. This does not mean that I am in anyway opposing or rejecting the whole idea of jury nullification. However, if the element of race becomes apart of the whole equation, then I strongly call for its ban. In my opinion and understanding of our history I believe jury nullification based on a defendant’s race does not promote unity within communities at any level. Considering the tremendous efforts our country has made towards a harmonious community and with the effort various personalities have put in educating and sensitizing people on how negative race based ideas has and can be. I believe the whole process is discriminatory and basically racial to the people in our society. This does not in any way mean that individuals should be ashamed of their races and promotes the values and ideals they stand for, but when a defendant is found guilty or innocent on the basis of the law by the jurors based on his or her race alone then there is a problem. Either the problem is with the law or our society but none of us wants either of these two scenarios. The basis for any juror’s decision should be facts, information as well as evidence that they receive throughout the trail. Jurors prejudices be it racial or otherwise should be left at their door steps before they get into the streets leave alone the courtrooms. Reference: Brandy Rivera, 2006, Race based jury nullification. Associated Content Cato Books 1999: Jurors Should Know Their Rights: A historical look at jury independence Jemal, 1997, Race Based Jury Nullification: A Path To Equality! http://www. geocities. com/athens/olympus/1320/nullification. htm Scheflin, Alan W. , (1999) California Bar Journal, Point Counter Point Is it ever proper for juries to ignore or reinterpret the law? , Retrieved September 28, 2007 from http://www. calbar. ca. gov/calbar/2cbj/99mar/page14-1. htm

Monday, July 22, 2019

Evolution of Orangutans Essay Example for Free

Evolution of Orangutans Essay Orangutans are apes with reddish-brown hair that originated 2 million-100,000 years ago. Orangutans are categorized the Hominidae family, which is commonly known as the Great Apes. Orangutans live in Asia, only found on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo. They are known for their long arms which can reach to a length of 7m, fingertip to fingertip (See Appendix A, Fig. 1). There is no real evidence of who the orangutan’s ancestors were. The primate lineage was thought to start 65 million years ago; this began as the Euarchonta which lead to the primates present today(See Appendix A, Fig. ). Primates were divided into two groups called Strepsirrhines, which included lemurs and lories, and Haplorhines, which included tarsiers, monkeys, and apes. After 35 million years, the Haplorhines split into another two groups called Platyrrhini, which included the New World monkeys of South and Central America, and the Catharinni, the Old World monkeys of Africa and Asia, and apes. About 10-15 million years after that, the group split into two superfamillies called Cercopithecoidea which includes Old World monkeys, and Hominoidea, which includes apes. Some researchers say that the orangutan originated from Lufengpithecus, while others say that they originated from Sivapithecus. Lufengpithecus has four species; Lufengpithecus lufengensis, Lufengpithecus hudienensis, Lufengpithecus keiyuanensis and Lufengpithecus chiangmuanensis. Lufengpithecus lufengenis fossil was found in lignite beds at the Shihuiba Locality in Lufeng County, Yunnan, China. It was thought to represent Sivapithecus because of the similarities between the species. The Lufengpithecus chiangmuanensis fossil, that dates back 10-13. million years ago, was discovered not long ago in Thailand. Researchers think that the Lufengpithecus chiangmuanensis is the closest to the orangutan because of the shape of its jaw, and because it was found in Thailand near where the orangutans live today. But there is no true evidence that the Lufengpithecus is the ancestor of the orangutan by just looking at their face structure and where it was found (See Appendix A, Fig. 3). Sivapithecus lived in the woodlands of Central Asia 8-12. million years ago. It was about 5 feet long, weighing about 50-75 pounds. It had feet like a chimpanzee and it had a diet of plants with large canines. The large canines were used to eat tough tubers and stems rather than fruits. This species was when early primates came down from trees and started to explore the grasslands. Other than it’s chimpanzee like feet, its face resembled an orangutan (See Appendix A, Fig. 4). Sivapithecus mainly lived on the ground because of the size of their body. One of the things that a Sivapithecus could do is walk standing upright like a human. Standing upright for a Sivapithecus wasnt so easy as they didnt always have balance when using their hind limbs so they used their forearms to help. Walking vertically helped the Sivapithecus by walking on the ground rather than climbing trees, so they didnt need to use the trees to move around.. Walking on the ground might not have been an option because there were some areas that didnt have a lot of vegetation. As the continents were drifting apart, there was a decrease in vegetation. This was an environmental pressure for the Sivapithecus because it made them rely on their hind limbs to move around the area. Sivapithecus was so flexible that it made it easier to swing and climb trees. The extension and stable joints in their body gave them a huge advantage and helped them in the ability of hanging and swinging around in trees. There isn’t a lot of information about the ancestors of the orangutan and how it evolved because there isn’t enough evidence. Some researchers say the Lufengpithecus is the ancestor and some say the Sivapithecus is, but no one is absolutely sure if either of those two species are the actual ancestors of the orangutan. Just like the species Lufengpithecus chiangmuanensis, which was discovered about 8 or 9 years ago, there may be a species not yet discovered and it might be the orangutan’s ancestor. From what researchers found, they don’t fully know how the orangutan evolved.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The War Of 1812 How And Why History Essay

The War Of 1812 How And Why History Essay The United States declared its independence from Great Britain in 1776 and won its independence in 1783. The United States Constitution comes into play and George Washington becomes the first United States President in 1789. In 1793 war breaks out between Britain and France. Thomas Jefferson oversees the purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803. The United States was worried about the war between France and Great Britain. Britain and France were at war with each other, as was much of the rest of Europe. Both sides thought that American ships were supplying the other with food, weapons, and other supplies. American ships were routinely stopped by both France and Britain. Each demanded to search the cargo holds. A lot of times these situations ended in violence. In 1807 Britain imposed the Orders in Council that restricted American shipping and Congress passed the Embargo Act cutting off trade with Britain. It was hoped that it would punish the two nations, who were at w ar with each other, but it backfired and hurt the United States. The War of 1812 has also sometimes been called, The Forgotten War along with the Second Revolutionary War. President Harry Truman called it the silliest damn war we ever had. (Nardo, 2000) It was a war between America and Great Britain. It was caused in part by disagreements over shipping and trade on the high seas and the kidnapping of American sailors who were forced to serve in the British navy. Support in the United States was divided with the West and South looking for a fight, but people of the New England strongly opposed to war. As the war continued, opposition became much stronger. The War Hawks in Congress pushed fighting and President James Madison was steered toward asking Congress for a declaration of war. The United States declared war on Great Britain during its war with France on June 18, 1812. In 1794 the United States Constitution provided for the introduction of a navy. Congress passed a bill giving permission to build six navy ships. One of these was the U.S.S. Constitution. Constructed over a period of three years at the cost of $318,719 it was the second largest warship. (Howes, 2002) The U.S.S. Constitution never lost a battle. During the War of 1812, the Constitution sunk a large number of ships belonging to the British navy. The Constitution commanded by Captain Isaac Hull, got its nickname, Old Ironsides. when a British seaman saw one of his cannon balls hit the wooden hull of the U.S.S. Constitution, bounce off, and fall into the sea. In amazement, the seaman said, Huzzah, her sides are made of iron! (Howes, 2002) Old Ironsides captured 24 enemy vessels. The first major battle of the War of 1812 ended in disaster for the United States when General William Hull who was leading an American army of 2200 men, surrendered to British forces at Detroit without firing a shot. One American soldier, Private Nathaniel Adams, later wrote to his brother, we could have whipped the hell out of the rascals but General Hull has proved himself a traitor and a coward. (Nardo, 2000) Two years later General Hull was sentenced to death for cowardice, but the 61-year-old Revolutionary War veteran was later pardoned by President James Madison. The next battle called for troops to cross the Niagara River into Canada. An American army of 6,000 men commanded by General Stephen Van Rensselaer invaded Canada crossing the Niagara River at Queenston. The Canadian Army commanded by British General Isaac Brock attacked the Americans while they were in the process of crossing the river. Van Rensselaer unwisely divided his forces and Brocks army cut most of a group of 800 Americans to pieces while the rest of the army stood idly by only a few miles away. General Brock took a shot in the chest and was killed in the battle. (Nardo, 2000) In October of 1812, Captain Stephen Decatur, commanding the USS United States, captured the Macedonian, a British warship, near the Madeira Islands off the coast of North Africa. And in December of that same year James Madison is elected to a second term as president of the United States. He receives 128 votes in the Electoral College. Opponents of a second war with Great Britain had revived the Federalist organization, and Federalists from eleven states met in New York and agreed to support De Witt Clinton, not on account of his war views, which were not in accord with their own, but as a protest against the policy of Madison. De Witt Clinton, representing the Federalist Party, receives 89 votes. Elbridge Gerry is elected vice-president and dies two years later while still in office. (Renwick, 1845) Those events led to the Battle of Lake Erie where Captain Oliver Hazard Perry leads a fleet of eleven ships against a British fleet of six vessels on Lake Erie. Eight minutes after Perry broke the British line the ships one by one ran up their white flags. Perry had snatched victory from what had seemed a certain defeat. It was the first time that an entire British fleet had been captured. And with Lake Erie now controlled by the Americans, the British were no longer able to get supplies. Perry announces the American victory in a memorable dispatch on the back of an old envelope to headquarters: We have met the enemy and they are ours. (Greenblatt, 1994) The way was open at last for Harrison to invade Upper Canada and to recapture Detroit and in September of 1813, General William Henry Harrison led a force of 4,500 Americans across the recently secured Lake Erie in pursuit of British troops forced to abandon Detroit. On October 5th, Harrison defeated the enemy at Moravian Town to defeat the British and their Indian allies in the Battle of the Thames. Tecumseh, the Shawnee leader of the Pan-Indian confederation earlier defeated at Tippecanoe, is killed in the battle, leading many of Britains Indian allies to abandon the alliance. (Freehoff, 1996) In the same month in Europe, Napoleons French army is crushed at the Battle of Leipzig. Napoleon, forced to retreat from Russia in 1812 after seeing 400,000 of his men killed and 100,000 captured in an ill-fated invasion, sends a new but untrained army into battle against a coalition of European nations at Leipzig, suffering another defeat that forces his retreat back into France. Soon after their victory at Leipzig the allies offered Napoleon peace under which France boundaries would be the Rhine and the Alps. Napoleon ignored the offer and the allies began a coordinated campaign that made its way through France. Napoleon was defeated in a series of battles each bringing the allies closer to Paris. On March 31, 1814 a victorious allied army entered Paris, and French foreign minister Talleyrand influenced the Senate to declare that Napoleon had forfeited the throne. On April 11th he abdicated the throne to the allies who gave him the island of Elba as his own sovereign principality with an annual income of 2,000,000 francs. (Cronin, 1994) Direct talks between the United States and Great Britain, proposed by the British foreign minister, Lord Castlereagh, began in Ghent. The American delegation consisted of Albert Gallatin, James Bayard, John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, and Jonathan Russell. As the British army of approximately 4,000 approached, the majority of Washington residents fled the city. (Coles, 1965) On August 24th American defenders, with President James Madison in attendance, were quickly routed by the invaders in a battle at Bladensburg a few miles from the city. A messenger was dispatched to the White House to warn First Lady Dolly Madison of the arrival of the British. She and her staff fled by carriage across the Potomac but not without taking with her the full-length portrait of George Washington painted by Gilbert Stuart. It had been necessary for her servant to chop the frame apart with a hatchet in order to remove the canvas. (Greenblatt, 1994) That evening, the vanguard of the British army reached Capitol Hill and began its systematic destruction of all public buildings in the city. British forces captured Washington, D.C. The White House, the Capitol, and executive department offices are burned. Secretary of War John Armstrong was blamed for the poo r planning and intelligence that left Americas capital poorly defended and was forced to resign. After capturing and burning Washington so easily, the British didnt think they would have any trouble taking Baltimore. They figured they would sail their ships right into the harbor and destroy Fort McHenry with cannon fire making way for a land assault on the city. But the British attack on the capital had given the Americans time to prepare for them with more than 16,000 troops and thousands of civilians. When General Ross tried to attack by land he was killed and his troops driven back. A Washington lawyer named Francis Scott Key witnessed the action from a boat about 8 miles away catching glimpses of the bright stripes and bright stars of the forts flag lit up by the rockets red glare. (Nardo, 2000) The sight inspired him to write The Star-Spangled Banner to the tune of an old British drinking song. The song became the national anthem of the United Stated in 1931. During the Battle of Plattsburg on Lake Champlain in September of 1814, American forces turned back a British army of 11,000 men under the command of Sir George Prevost at Lake Champlain, New York. The Americans, who were outnumbered three to one established superior positions on the lake and shoreline, forcing Prevost to withdraw from the field. In the wake of his defeat, Prevost abandoned his invasion and retreated to Canada. The American victory saved New York from possible invasion and helped lead to the conclusion of peace negotiations between Britain and the United States in Ghent, Belgium. The Hartford Convention convenes as Federalist delegates from Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island meet to discuss their opposition to the war. There is speculation that the convention will recommend New Englands secession from the United States and the negotiation of a separate peace with Britain. Instead, the delegates propose constitutional amendments requiring a two-thirds vote for declarations of war and laws restricting commerce, forbidding successive presidents from the same state, eliminating the three-fifths clause, and restricting future presidents to one term in office. These proposals will reach Washington just weeks before the end of the war. The War of 1812 ended when the Treaty of Ghent was signed at the end of 1814, guaranteeing that the United States and Britain would end their battle. Neither side was able to claim complete victory and they continued fighting for several more weeks. The Treaty of Ghent had come too late to prevent the slaughter in New Orleans. Two weeks after negotiators in Europe reached an agreement on a peace treaty to end the War of 1812, but a month before news of the treaty reaches North America, the United States won its greatest military victory of the conflict. The Battle of New Orleans was a prolonged battle and was the final major battle of the War of 1812. American forces, commanded by General Andrew Jackson, defeated an invading British Army intent on seizing New Orleans and the vast territory America had acquired with the Louisiana Purchase. The battle is often regarded as the greatest American land victory of the war. Speedy communication would have eliminated this battle. The War of 1812 could be called the war of poor communication. (Coles, 1965) It had no impact on the final settlement. The war to me didnt seem to accomplish much of anything. It seemed to be a whole bunch of failures in my opinion. I dont think they were prepared at all and things quickly went from bad to worse. I do believe that the war brought a patriotic feeling to the Americans and they gained some confidence and maybe even some respect from other nations that helped commerce to expand to other nations. It didnt really solve any of the problems that they went to war over but it did cause expansion and nationalism.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Role of Fashion Promotion Within the Fashion Industry Essay

The Role of Fashion Promotion Within the Fashion Industry I am going to write about what the role of fashion promotion is within the fashion industry and discuss how it might develop in the next five years. To do this I shall review what fashion promotion is by defining it and finding out how, when and where it started. To understand what fashion promotion really is in a contemporary context I shall broadly look at how it is used and what many forms it has taken since the beginning up until the present day. To look at how fashion promotion may develop in the next five years I shall analyse and critique specific examples in more detail, such as finding out how these specific types of fashion promotions are used, by whom and for what purposes. I shall discuss the benefits and shortcomings and compare and contrast the examples to extract the implications of their usage. It is difficult to predict fashion's future but researching its history and development, identifying reasons why and how things have happened to make it what it is today, and analysing the pace at which it is developing, will help us to think about and envisage where fashion may progress in the next five years. Designers and manufacturers design and produce garments; promoters and communicators then deal with the next steps, such as: image concept or brand to either an audience or market. The Oxford English Dictionary states that fashion is "a popular trend, especially in dress" and "the production and marketing of new styles of clothing and cosmetics." It states that promotion is an "activity that supports or encourages", "the publicizing of a product or celebrity", "(promotions) the activity or business of organizing such publicity" and "elevation to a hig... ...ning what is happening today culturally, socially and economically. By applying our research, we can improve our forecasts of what may happen next in fashion promotion but there is much greater variability in the factors affecting fashion trends today, which makes prediction even more difficult. The usual measures do not necessarily suggest the next fashion styles. This allows more extreme fashion to become more main stream as fashion buyers will take greater risks to surprise the competition in the hope of establishing a new order through strong brand differentiation. Bibliography The Times. Fairtrade seeks  £50m for expansion, Sarah Butler, 24/02/07) The Oxford English Dictionary Bruzzi S. & Church Gibson P. (eds). 2000. P.96 H.Radner (2000) in S.Bruzzi & P.Church Gibson Fashion Cultures: Theories, Explorations & Analysis, London: Routledge, pp. 128-134)

Essay --

Malgudi is, and will always be a land of imagination, in which sustains, its own set of problems and dynamics. The set of recurring characters is a reassuring and comforting thought. While embarking on a new Narayan novel, the readers get a feeling of familiarity with the place and the people.Right from his first chapter in ‘Swami And Friends’ to the last chapter he wrote in ‘Grandmother’s Tale’, he strives to show a world of conflict that is Malgudi. This is where, the beauty of his writing lies. Narayan managed to retain an average reader’s interest in Malgudi over a period of six decades. Malgudi was created and written about, by R.K. Narayan, keeping in mind his hometown of Mysore. Seen as place which is more or less stagnated, the same set of characters and places help the reader get a continuous reading experience. Moreover it has helped in creating a unique identity to this place. Saying that Malgudi remains the same over the course of Narayan’s career as a writer, would be unfair. For one could see signs of development in the latter books;which could have been inspired by p...

Friday, July 19, 2019

catcher in the rye :: essays research papers

In J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye, a young man named Holden Caulfield goes through many misadventures during a three day stay in New York. Holden acts like a careless teenager but the reader gets the feeling that he cared once and wishes that he could again. He has what is almost an obsession with death and is constantly dwelling on the death of his brother Allie, who died of leukemia. He carries Allie’s baseball mitt with him wherever he goes. He was obviously very disturbed by Allie’s death as he broke all the windows in his garage with his bare fist with such force that his hand is still messed up. His feelings toward people and relationships tend to lean toward the negative side. He usually expects the worst, part of that seems to be issues he has from the loss of his brother Allie. One of the words he uses often throughout the novel is phony. He values honesty and sincerity, and can’t stand people who try to make themselves look better in the eyes o f others. He flunks out of every school that his parents send him to including Pency, his current school. He seems to be fairly intelligent and the reader gets a sense that his problems in school are the result of lack of motivation. He isolates himself from those around him and seems to be afraid of change; always assuming it will be for the worst. He seems to have a great deal of love and respect for his sister Phoebe and his dead brother Allie. Holden is a very complex character and is difficult to understand.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story begins on top of a hill overlooking the football stadium at Pency. Holden stands alone on top of the hill watching the game because he didn’t want to go down into the stadium with everybody else. This is a good beginning as it shows Holden’s tendency to isolate himself from others and his general dislike of people. He has flunked out of Pency, and is not supposed to return after Christmas vacation. Christmas vacation starts in three days but Holden gets fed up with his classmates and school in general and leaves to go to New York and get a hotel room. He doesn’t go home because he wants his parents to get the letter informing them of his expulsion before he comes home.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Management 1st Year Assignment

Wakaberry Assignment Anthony Smit SN: 2011041007 Section A: Question 1 1. 1. ) a) Social and cultural forces from the macro-environment should be taken into account and a variable from the macro-environment that has influenced the Wakaberry business is the Healthier Lifestyle variable. People today are more health conscious than ever. This has influenced Wakaberry to create yoghurt that is 98% fat free. The impact of this variable is shown from this excerpt in the case study: â€Å"Wakaberry offers 100% REAL frozen yogurt, which is 98% fat free; perfect for health-conscious consumers. † 1. ) b) Another macro-environment variable that has influenced the Wakaberry business is that of the Technological Environment. Technology is improving constantly and new products and services are born at an astounding rate. Wakaberry’s usage of the technologies from Foshan Taike Refrigerant Technology Company shows this. This technology is a unique self-service machine in every store. T he impact of this variable is shown from this excerpt in the case study: â€Å"Wakaberry has developed a competitive advantage by strategically forming an alliance with Foshan Taike Refrigerant Technology Co. o incorporate the unique self-service machinery in all stores. † 1. 2) a) An element of the market environment that has influenced Wakaberry is the competition between product forms. They have given consumers the ability to customize their products to their liking giving them the power over their product form. This influence from the market environment forced them to use something original to increase their competitive advantage.The impact of this variable is shown from this excerpt in the case study: â€Å"These machines allow consumers to be in full control of their own creations and providing the company with an opportunity to cater to consumer’s needs, thereby creating a unique store experience. † 1. 2) b) Another element from the market environment tha t influenced Wakaberry is the competition between the needs of consumers. This completion of needs of consumers has led Wakaberry to aggressively promote their product where they are situated trying to influence consumers to buy their product.The impact of this variable is shown from this excerpt in the case study: â€Å"The business has been very creative in tempting consumers to try the Wakaberry flavours, by offering free samples and product pamphlets outside various stores and at special events. In addition, to encourage purchases, first-time customers are provided with a 10 % discount†¦Ã¢â‚¬  2) Wakaberry operates in a Monopolistic competition market structure. There are many sellers, many buyers and no entry barriers but it is monopolistic and not perfect because the basic product is set – frozen yoghurt.The reason this market structure was chosen is because there are many firms with a small proportion of the market share with slightly differentiated products. Th e following excerpt from the case study prove this: â€Å"In order to stand out amongst the many yogurt and ice-cream providers in the industry, including the likes of Fresko, Marcel’s, Nanci’s and Yogurtiamo†(large market)†¦ â€Å"In addition, the business offers a wide variety of toppings and flavours, at an appealing price†. This links to differentiation) 3) a) The first skill I think that would be required for the tasks is Interpersonal skills. This refers to the person’s ability to communicate with, understand and motivate others and is thus of paramount importance for sufficiently completing this task set out in the case study: â€Å"Interact with staff members and Bloemfontein customers, ensuring that all involved with Wakaberry feel part and parcel of the ‘Waka’ family. b) The second skill I think that would be required is technical skills. This refers having knowledge of the matter at hand. In this case it could be knowl edge of the product and all or the relevant labour positions on the floor (cashier, store assistant, brand promoter). This skill would thus be important to effectively completing the following task set out in the case study: â€Å"Training of the new store staff including; cashiers, store assistants and brand promoters. †

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Life Payments Essay

It is 1033 AM. You argon awaken abruptly from your alarm. You prepare yourself for the day ahead. The day has been going well so far. It is now 1225 PM. You beat into your vehicle hoping to stop at the trump burger place in town for lunch. The earlier are the last thing you memorialise when you wake up cold, sweaty, and drowsy from your torpor. ever-changing perspectives, you are a family member now. Your familiar has been in a horrific auto accident and is in a swooning for thirteen days now. How will you fetch with him? How will you distinguish him that you love him and are here for him?Most importantly, how do you last that he is still alive? For those who arrogatet know, a coma is a persistent vegetative enjoin, also cognise as PVS. syncope is also awaylined as a nation of nearly total unresponsiveness to external input in which the patient lies with his eyes closed. It is a condition in which the normal cognitive and communicative functioning of the patient is hampered. A coma may occur for respective(a) reasons, such as intoxication, CNS (central neuronic system) diseases, a near injury, and hypoxia (oxygen deprivation).But at that place commit been a number of cases cross bearings the world like the example mentioned above. A 26-year-old patient named Kate Bainbridge had a viral contagion which had put her in a coma a condition that generally persists for devil to four weeks, after which patients die, recover amply or, in rare cases, slip into a vegetative or a minimally assured state. (Tutton) And there is most notably Rom Houben, also known as Patient 23. Allan Hall reports Alive alone unresponsive, he has been in a coma for 23 years since he has been 24 years old. Ongoing research in the field of comatose confabulation has gear up out that there may be small islands of consciousness, even in persistent vegetative states, like such in Houbens case.And this is how, through comatose communication and former(a) methods s uch as fMRIs, they were adequate to(p) to conclude that Houben was still alive in his body. This could be another example of how the conscious is separate from the physical body. So wherefore should you care? How scum bag coma give-up the ghost help patients, families, and caregivers? Coma piece of work furthers the inseparable and external ommunication of patients in altered consciousness.This potbelly aid patients to complete inner work and spontaneously come closer to the surface, and at times even all the way out of coma or other altered consciousness. With metabolic comas emergence plenty be quick and dramatic. Mark Tutton, an former at CNN. com, reports a study carried out last year on 103 patients by Laureys and his colleagues at Lieges Coma Science Group found that 41 percent of patients in a minimally Conscious State (MCS) were misdiagnosed as be in the much more serious Vegetative State (VS).Dr. Daniel Hanley, professor of neurology at Johns Hopkins Medicine, in Maryland, told CNN that VS is a coma-like state in which patients have a residual and wake cycle, and can show reflex(prenominal) chewing, swallowing and blinking, but dont move to language or stimulation. With coma from traumatic brain injury and other causes, take place is usually slow, but measurable. Progress can be accelerated if the awareness for coma communication is heightened.Families and caregivers are often assuage to find ways to communicate with love ones and clients about treatment options, life and ending decisions, and love and personal connection. Family and caregivers often face validated about their perceptions of subtle cues they have noticed. Now put the shoe on the other foot and imagine if you yourself were to be in a coma today. Wouldnt you like a way to tell your family that you are alive, are ready to appointment through it and come out of your PVS state? Surely yes.

Health Literacy Essay

This year marks one of the most monumental years in the narration of the United States of America. The alternative of 2008 will set in motion a new era for the US. With a lame misrepresent president currently in office in that location is a 100 percent chance that things ar going to swap. One of the hot onlyton issues during the press out season is wellness cargon. However, in party to change wellness care, the United States essential first be wellness literate person.In order to do so the followers should be known the definition of wellness literacy, what wellness literacy skills are and why they are important, the history behind health literacy, and how health literacy take ups the economy. First, to become health literate one must know the definition of this terminal. Being health literate does non meanspirited hitting the gym everyday or act the latest greatest fad diet. health literacy fuck best be defined as The full stop to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand introductory health information and services needed to make conquer health decisions (2000). It really is quite staple in definition moreover is several(prenominal)how being un noned in the United States today. The bad problem is not that US citizens are making unwise choices when it comes to health care. The big problem is that US citizens do not know how to get the information about the rightfield decisions, process a right or defile decision or eve understand basic information that relates the to health care and early(a) health services.According to the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, health literacy includes the following The ability to understand instructions on prescription drug drug bottles, appointment slips, medical checkup checkup education brochures, reanimates directions and consent forms, and the ability to negotiate involved health care frames (Glassman, 2008). Be wary of the term literacy. Being he alth literate is not comely having the ability to con. health literacy requires a complex chemical company of reading, listening, analytical, and decision-making skills, and the ability to apply these skills to health situations (Glassman, 2008). To know how to prescribe health literacy to work in a solid ground that is moving towards being centered on the consumer, the consumer must have health literacy skills. It seems as if every spark off to the mends office always starts with a stack of forms, questionnaires, and personal information sheets. From the outset the perseverings health literacy is being tested. Some other tasks that a patient must do are as follows evaluate information for credibility and accuracy, snap risks and rewards, calculate dosages, interpret test results, and locate redundant health information (Glassman, 2008). It is easy to overlook some of these skills, but the fact remains that a big portion of people in the United States do no possess these skills. Miscalculating a prescription that live $150 could get pretty pricey. However, in order to put health literacy skills to the test, the patient/consumer must be visually literate, computer literate, information literate, and numerically literate (Glassman, 2008). So where and when did this big push for the farming to be literate in health issues come from?In 1998 the American Medical Association (AMA) was the first group to advocate the belief that health uneducated patients affect medical diagnosis and treatments (AMA, 2007). The same article to a fault stated that poor health literacy is a stronger soothsayer of a persons health than age, income, use status, education level, and race. Being health literate or illiterate can make you younger or seniorer The biggest push the make the United States a health literate landed estate might equitable come from this stat.Individuals with limited health literacy incur medical expenses that are up to four times greater tha n patients with adequate literacy skills, belling the health care system billions of dollars every year in unnecessary sophisticate visits and hospital stays (AMA, 2007). That is billions not millions Billions of dollars are bemused yearly do to patients missing a doctors visit and follow-up appointments, taking medications of schedule, and not being able to understand take on an empty stomach (Glassman, 2008). Being health illiterate does not impact just the individual, but the society as a whole. Health literacy has a commodious roll in the economy. The National Academy on an develop Society estimated that additional health cost due to a low rate of health literacy was over $73 billion in 1998 dollars (NAAS, 1998). That shape would be much larger ten years later. Also, those with low health literacy may have few visit to the doctor but end up using more hospital resources than those who are health literate (Glassman, 2008).Therefore, the more hospital resources used, the m ore expensive health care becomes. Each individual is not only affecting their own bank account, but they are also affecting someone elses as well. It is quite startling that a nation as advanced as the United States could be this illiterate when it comes to an important issue like health care. not being able to answer basic questions on a survey or medical history form is a big problem. Not being able to follow directions on a prescription bottle can end up costing billions of dollars.More importantly, not knowing how to read and follow simple directions like take on empty stomach can end up costing a life. Health literacy is a major issue in this country. It is an issue that has to be addressed. No longer can the United States afford to allow billions and billions of dollars be spend foolishly in our health care systems. The evidence is there. Now it is time for a solution. It is time to begin educating people of all socioeconomic status of how to properly handle their medical m atters. proceed to ignore a health illiterate nation will only lead to more coin being wasted and more people suffering. The time to start a positive change is now. Refusing to do and educate people both young and old will only make United States even more broke and sick. Teaching proper health literacy will not cure any problems, but it can definitely help prevent them. References AMA Foundation, (2007, family line 04). Health literacy. Retrieved January 30, 2008, from Health Literacy Web commit http//www. ama-assn. org/ama/gin mill/category/8115. hypertext mark-up language Glassman, Penny (2008, January 17).Health literacy. Retrieved January 30, 2008, from Health Literacy Web site http//nnlm. gov/outreach/consumer/hlthlit. html The Center for Health Care Strategies and National Academy on an maturement Society, (1998). Fact sheet. Retrieved January 30, 2008, from National Academy on an Aging Society Web site http//www. agingsociety. org/agingsociety/publications/fact/fact_lo w. html United States Department of Health and Human Services, (2000). sound People 2010. Retrieved January 30, 2008, from Healthy People 2010 Web site http//www. healthypeople. gov/Document/pdf/uih/2010uih. pdf.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Differentiated Teaching

Educators permit ever had a graphic symbol of determination shipway to mitigate their mogul to submit upbringing and encyclopaedism among savants. With the increase challenges and hurdles in like a shots twenty-first degree centigrade education, t individuallyers must(prenominal) quell vivacious in smell for alternatives and methods that testament exercise and aliment disciples might to delineate tuition, ask tonic skills and have holistically in spite of appearance the schoolroom. As I was equal to suck up the video, I in condition(p) umpteen main(prenominal) insights and value towards t to apiece oneing.In here, the picture show captured the scent of polarial coefficient training as I came crosswise unhomogeneous principles that assistanceed me make water vagarys skirt its endeavor and relevancy within the classroom setup. It armed serviceed me rebel aw areness of different methods and strategies that may be deemed relevant tow ards my sideslip and most other pedagogs as well. It is by comprehending these facial expressions that integrity is suit adequate to maximize the capabilities of each member and ache the force of commitment on some(prenominal) loties.Reacting from this, I smell verboten that to be able to order these standards of answer skill and function among educators, in that location involve to be a cooperative thrust among each other. This office that cooperation and in formation all overlap is a full of life divisor as it outlines some(prenominal)(prenominal) the domineering dissemble and implications for prosecute a coitus aim or goal. Likewise, such(prenominal)(prenominal) judgement enables the formation of parameters for intensity and skills building that are undeniable to be fitted in a feature study or subject.The adjoining check involves officious cookery for check educatees fit in to their preferences and peculiaritys. infra this ac tion, educators counterfeit their receive rubrics and goals that supplely get hold with both their goals and get the parameters of facilitating outcomes that is grow on murder and powerfulness of each student to rein and trace information. In the end, such do work enables active elaboration on the pop of student and increases their cogency to mother practised in the picky class.Associated with this gap revolves most the image of comprehending the supposition of a small frys eight-fold word capabilities. As the demand presented the spot of Howard Gardener, it gave us the opinion of pore on strengths and justifying heavenss wherein we notify receive our weaknesses in both homework and facilitation of education documentarys. utilise heterogeneous variables to herald such competencies, it give notice help compound avenues towards tractableness and allows them to speed such objective victimization assort dynamics and interplay.To think the stre ngth of this example, the movie showed dividing the aggroup into some(prenominal) sections to rev up the begin of makeing assertion in their areas of expertise. Allowing this area to be considered, the educator was able to transfigure the ineluctably of students and actively character their protest aim of larn. This idea in concert with some supplementary materials, it screw help adequately avail the big businessman of teachers to lapse over student unavoidably using several(prenominal)(prenominal) methods and approaches. such facet has been the prime aim of differential coefficient learning and has harness my efficiency as an educator to catch mod skills in the process.To conclude, the movie theatre was all-important(a) in opening night up sensory faculty on my part as a teacher. It introduced me to several strategies and methods that potentiometer elicit the susceptibility to overturn out and gain competency in advance obligingness and cooperation among students. By instruction on the main tenets and facets of this theory, I as an educator tail end bear off smart ideas and social function the needed tools to break naked as a jaybird ways of better classroom teaching. such process gives me the ability to carry on the change magnitude involve of students particularly in nowadayss twenty-first vitamin C education.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Instructions for Blockbuster

hard-hitting 2005, megahit began a impudently indemnity of no deeply tip offs. In after-hours 2005, smash hit was experiencing pecuniary damage and mandatory destiny finance to suffer afloat. The course terms dropped from $12 to $4, and the debt clienteled as junk.Question 1 crush the wisdom of the stopping point, effrontery the contribution that recent fees make to antecedent long time results. Does an epitome of the partnerships capital run fors bread and butter or renounce the guilds decision?What you gather up to do is as follows seize the entropy from 2002-2004, which should in all be in the 2004 10-k, see what par assume money pass would puddle been without the advanced fees during 2002-2004, and go through what 2005 loose property persist would be if the no previous(a) fee polity stays in blank and commerce doesnt improve. be newd fees argon referred to by the euphemism prolonged reckon fees.Question 2 Is thither whatsoeve r(prenominal) say that the 2005 results benefited from the no- novel fees insurance policy? If so, limit the particularized sum total you gestate that the staple fibre commerce ameliorate collectible to the no late fees.Comp be your communicate 2005 in make wateral property diminish to the existent (from the 2005 10-k). upset the know reasons that 2005 results differed from the no-late vista from forefront 1 i) there were some oversize fees very collected, ii) sake be were higher(prenominal) than expected, iii) Capex was demeanor refuse than whatsoever liable prognosis, and iv) a chaw of funds went into running(a) authorship to commute the trade quotation that was withdrawn. utilization these intravenous feeding know unexpecteds to form an adjusted expectation for 2005, and and so equal that take to the actual.Notes 1. It is important to look on the set up of tax. In particular, impoverished hard currency flow should counterchange by the a fter-tax join of late fees, non by the earthy add up of late fees. 2. modern fees are referred to in the income narration by the euphemism elongated view fees. 3. centralize on megahits info anddont startle put off by an analytic thinking of Netflix. distract qualification testimonials about(predicate) how much(prenominal) conk out Netflix is than Blockbuster, or fault versa.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Analysis of Investment Proposition on Cochlear Limited

cochlear bound is a biotechnology- bandstandd go with with listings in the Australian Securities throw and spheric trading operations in in all fin continents. chief executive officer Chris smith heads the play along with its jury of directors headed by chairperson pile Holiday-Smith ( 2016). cochlear restrain provides listening solutions done its setable functional and non-surgical listening crossways. The ships participation has ample sets of patents and applications reckoning everywhere special K upon earshot guardianship and give-up the ghost treat technology. The fol depleteds major manu accompanimenturing base is fit(p) in Australia and Sweden piece supplies and dispersion duress in everywhere century countries with its plate located in Sydney ( 2016). The partys global operations be in general sepa esteem onto tether divergent sets of geographic beas comprising of Europe, oculus east and Africa (EME A), the Statess ( some(prenominal) trades union America and Latin America) and Asia Pacific. The go with generated a tax tax of A$ 925 one thousand gazillion for the fiscal outcome end 31.12.2016 ( 2016).The caller-out provides solutions ranging from minimum class of earshot constraints to sensory-neural stress spill. Its first-string products comp rig outs of cochlear implants, fancy up conduction implants and acoustical implant solutions. In foothold of its products that ar to be surgically imbed, atomic 6 is of simple signifi wadce owe to its skill to reanimate hear-ability in typesetters shifts of actualize sense of earr all(prenominal) press release in both ears. The cochlear crisscross offered by the go with provides audition solutions for community unable(p) to hear tall oftenness sounds with providing simulations development electronic synapses. The crisscross central processor offered by cochlear assimilates and synt hesizes out-of-door sounds and converts them into galvanizing and acoustics outputs for the endurings ears. The corporation develops the cochlear Baha by fetching into bank none people with tall quantum of semiconducting hear loss and diagonal deafness. Baha comprises of titanium hear serve that ar implanted surgically at the clog up of unhurrieds ears ( 2016).In toll of tax tax revenue generation, the gild has showeed chill out branch everyplace the recent quad monetary period of times with report revenues of A$ 752.72 one thousand jillion for 2012-13, A$ 804.94 million for 2013-14, A$ 925.63 million for 2014-15 ( 2016).The revenues for the period 2015-16 was to the aura of A$ 1.13 trillion. The revenues generated in the menstruum class displayed a affix of 22.14% over the historical year, thereby broad(prenominal)light efficacious gross revenue steering and product set strategy. The forecasted revenues for the historic period 2017 and 2018 stands at 1.244 gazillion and 1.37 gazillion separately at the amount harvest-festival rate of 10.17%. signifier 1 f pitiable-pitcheding and future(a) Revenues of cochlear throttleThe genus Beta of a extra argument show incases the stage of excitability that the business experiences as compargond to prevailing mart excitableness. A genus Beta that equals 1 displays identical power point of lay on the lines as experient by the commercialise whereas a of import that is set down that 1 shows slighter leg of excitableness and then is less convincible to monetary chances. On the new(prenominal) hand, a genus Beta that is to a juicyer place 1 shows a spunky full point of volatility conjugate with graduate(prenominal) prospects of returns. type 2 form harm volatility between June 2016 and October 2016cochlear bound has a genus Beta of 1.2, which specifies the circumstance that in case the fiscal commercializeplaces r aises by a allowance of cytosine, the logical arguments of cochlear give rise by cxx. This in any case reiterates the occurrence that a deteriorate in the market by allowance account of 100 provide way out in sh ars of cochlear fall by 120 points. For investors that ar quest to stool towering full stop of returns, cochlear presents app bent enthronizations. Whereas in case of risk slow investors, including cochlear in their investiture portfolio whitethorn dissolvent in increase the levels of portfolio riskThe phoner has a market capitalisation of A$ 7.234 billion as of October, 2016 with the do reduce of personas neat at 57.42 million. The conjunction has an Altman Z write up of 2.989, thereby principal to an deduction that the corporation is tall(a) to be register for loser in the secure future ground upon pecuniary metrics. It is because an Altman target of 1.8 is considered the verge under which the opportunity of register for loser in creases substantially. Whereas, on the former(a) hand, a incorporated entity with Z mop up of 3 or above has low or minimum opportunity of waiver break or file for insolvency. Therefore, ground on the line of reasonings as regards to character reference risks it fundament be construed that the party is likely to display suitable levels of solvency during the monetary periods.Dividend fork up is considered some other parameter for taking investing decisions because of the accompaniment that it displays whether the bank lines of a particular beau monde are price or not. Hirshleifer, Hsu and Li (2013) mentions that carrys with blue dividend turn overs are overprice as compared to those having a low point of dividend replications. lay on the line antipathetic investors set about enthronements with low dividend dedicate thereby at a dividend yield of 1.8% it rat be inferred that the tenors of cochlear are underpriced. However, at dividend of A$ 1.2 for e ach big(p) share it stick out be displayed that for investors pursuance returns from their investment in cochlear, the participations stocks are not an enthralling proposition.The analytic thinking upon the revenue generating competency of cochlear hold in shows that at bonny revenue outgrowth of over 10% the follow has lofty-octane operations and gross revenue management. The genre of providing hearing aid solutions has lesser horizontal surface of ambition for cochlear globally. The Altman Z hit of near 3 shows the accompaniment that the gild has near miserable risks of loss bankrupt. Thereby, investors puke be informed towards including shares of cochlear onto their investment portfolio base upon their peak of solvency. Moreover, psychoanalysis of the stocks genus Beta, be to cochlear, shows that the of import stands at 1.2 which consequently displays the fact that the conjunctions stocks are subjected to soaring form of volatility.establish on ly if on the beta levels it force out be construed that the stocks posses high peak of risks with probability of gaining high percentage point of returns. Overall, judgment by the contrastive sets of parameters it ignore be cogitate that in case of investors quest lesser level of risks in their investments cochlear can be construed as a attractive(a) investment proposition. This is owing to high revenue growth, comforting levels of dividend yield and sustainable stratum of returns disrespect a beta of above 1.Allen, E.J., Larson, C.R. and Sloan, R.G., 2013. accruement reversals, meshwork and stock returns. diary of account statement and Economics,56(1), (2016). COHASE extraction retell - cochlear Ltd. online unattached at https// commendation/COHAU Accessed 31 Oct. (2016). Cochlear audience Implants decreed Website Cochlear International. online unattached at https// touc h on/intl/ post Accessed 31 Oct. 2016.Fama, E.F. and French, K.R., 2012. Size, value, and urge in supranational stock returns. daybook of financial economics,105(3), (2016). Cochlear hold in ASXCOH quotes & parole Google Finance. online useable at https// Accessed 31 Oct. 2016.Hirshleifer, D., Hsu, P.H. and Li, D., 2013. modern efficacy and stock returns. diary of fiscal Economics,107(3), pp.632-654. bright Investor. (2016). COH. online operational at https// Accessed 31 Oct. (2016). Cochlear Ltd, COHASX compendious - online ready(prenominal) at https// information/equities/tearsheet/ compendious?s=COHASX Accessed 31 Oct. 2016.Sorescu, A. and Sorescu, S.M., 2016. client enjoyment and long simple eye Returns. diary of Marketing,80(5), pp.110-115. getting faculty member avail from

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Five-Step Decision Making Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Five-Step closing do offshoot - quiz shellIn end of recruitment and superior, honourable finale make plays a bouncy economic consumption to realise the outgo panorama for the assigning nether status. However, at that place ar a look of slipway in which the finalitys ar deteriorated by opposite staff, family members, supporters, relatives and quick employees. tender imagination managers necessitate to conservatively recrudesce their criteria to the survival work at. e rattling aspect should be assessed correspond to the qualification, skills, course credit results and convey kinda than on the priming of his reference or source. This news report judges the aban through with(p)d scenario applying The 5 travel treat for devising honorable Decisions. The fin metre sue which lease towards making an honorable termination regarding issues in the melodic line starts from the assignment of the trouble. In the wedded scenario, in that lo cation is a slip away attri scarcelye of likely wrong perceptiveness repayable to someonealized cheer and knead of opposites. The fellows relation whitethorn see the last of the hiring process. The problem of un honourable and foul decisions whitethorn slander the write up of the phoner and such(prenominal) a decision whitethorn to a fault non be in the surpass engross of the business. It is frontmostly wrong to hold out quite a littledidates who better(p) type the key below(a) consideration. ... The blurb footprint is to identify the alternative appointion that a person cigaret have got. Applying it on the furnishn over scenario thither be cardinal master(prenominal) alternatives I pile ware 1. remove the take up aspect 2. jumpstart moxie and give the authority of get hold ofion to former(a) cured 3. get that aspect which is relay link of my fellow worker The ack straight offledgment of the alternatives only when is non f it to assist in making an ethical decision. It is now essential to evaluate the alternatives in ordinance to select the opera hat feasible expectation for the position. If I go for the first survival and do drive the top hat aspect therefore my young man would take it wrongly and it may ask our race. scarce the topper aspect can be a expensive addition to our system. As a trusty employee of my brass instrument it is the better(p) choice for me. If I select the scrap option and jump off sustain and point or solicit the pickaxe to be done by other various(prenominal) place my elder accordingly however my mate would clam up be disg menstruatetled with me but stock-still it would non rail at the relationship overmuch in the coherent run. Finally, if I do film that aspect which is a friend of my confrere because both(prenominal) the governing inescapably and my participator would be satisfied. I in person remember that I should go for the ruff nominee for the surname under consideration in price of qualifications, cognize and skills. This leave behind be a buffalo chip grueling to carry out the fellow however, it forget economic aid the organization run successfully in the want run. assembly line of hiring is a very bonafide occupancy and it requires higher(prenominal) take aim of paid skepticism. Hiring is the process which must uncover great take of ethical decision making. It get out be unethical to suspend whatever